Starting with CREATE;
The image featured is of a fine art developmental piece titled: “Cellular bowl”, a photo of the sculpture has been colour inverted and rebalanced to create the unique image.
The sculpture itself is remarkable for highlighting a number of incredible aspects that 3DPrinting /Additive manufacturing offer, how is this achieved? On the face of it this small sculpture is a combination of Richard Grant’s recognisable motif, the cell wall patterns and a simple extruded form factor.
The bowl shaped scoop exposes how difficult, almost impossible this object would be to make with traditional processes (milling, carving & hand model making etc).
Pretty much impossible to make through traditional means, yet simple and visually engaging, it exemplifies both the simplicity and complexity enabled by this new technology.
This simple sculpture delights and surprises everyone that sees it. The images below are processed photos placed on a high contrast background and the following 3DModel viewer allows the STL file to be spun and viewed from any angle;