CREATE represents sound and vision (Sonic / image) and operates a nuclear model agency.

World leading collaborative talent and experienced leadership ensure creative and technical resources are maximised. 

Strengths are played to, resulting in developmental and proven methods leading to incredible results.


Initial consultation assesses client project and brand needs.

Discussion, experience and instinct match requirements to corresponding talent, creativity and technology.

A suitable budget portion is set aside (sometimes up to 60%) for testing and development, enabling pure invention giving way to innovative art and projects.


Experience earned on complex global projects for demanding stakeholders brings perspective to;
Advertising / Branding
Social content / film
Experiential / events
Digital experiences
Built bespoke/immersive

Deep technical knowledge vies with creativity for successful projects.

Everything is possible

Sometimes, someone asks a really simple question that is particularly hard to answer.
When you next scratch your head (for real or metaphorically), remember that you should be enjoying this…

Not struggling.

Renowned as a secret weapon for the toughest nuts to crack, combining concept, creativity
and technology and ready to answer any question.

Impossible or not, we can help.


Global brands, UHNW individuals and the finest artists trust us to guide and develop their ideas and passions.
Unique solutions to entirely new situations.


Perhaps a new concept pitch is proving tricky, or a one off bespoke build is needed for a brand pop-up?
Maybe it’s a politics issue between stakeholders… Whatever it happens to be, let’s talk.


An approach founded on decades of creativity, development troubleshooting and builds for the biggest brands and their special projects gives unique and powerful perspective.

Solving problems for...

VFX Miniatures / Breakaway > M&M

2024 Miniatures Lead / Standby > M&M

Special builds / Sculpture > M&M

Claw / Gantry / LED Action Props

Large Format 3DPrint Puppet > M&M

Brass / 3DPrinted Action Prop

Rota Casts / Moulds > M&M

Fabrication HOD / SFX Fire Sets

Large Props / Animatronic Plant > M&M

Projection Map Set Lead Build > M&M

Train Set / 3 Track / 2 Layer > M&M

Models / Sculpts / LED / Moulds > M&M

Micro 3DPrinting / Mechs / Rigs / Toys 

Models / Sculpts / LED / Moulds > M&M

Wearable LED Rig / Consult / Build

SFX Drone Rig Dev / Tech & Standby

2023 Miniatures / Prop Rig > M&M

2021 Miniatures Lead / Standby > M&M

2020 Miniatures Lead / Standby > M&M

2019 Miniatures Lead / Standby > M&M

2018 Miniatures Lead / Standby > M&M

Invited Mentor

TATE Late 29/11/2019 invited Artist 

SFX Designer / Build Lead 720s

Miniatures / Props / Moulds > M&M

SFX Coordinator / UK & Malta 

Serbia Producer SFX consult

VFX Model Maker / Props / Sculpture

SFX Coordinator / Lead Tech / Floor FX

SFX & Stunt Props / Moulds

Coordinator SFX / AD / Designer

Bespoke Built / Popup / Digital Tech

Global Experiential Disney / AD

Disney Experiential Consult

Disney Experiential Consult

Disney Experiential Consult

SFX Coordinator / Designer / Lead Tech

Lead Miniatures Landmarks > M&M

Lead SFX / Props / Standby > M&M

Fire Props / SFX Moulds / Breakaway

Build Lead / Digital Fab > M&M

Build Lead / IN / OUT / Logistics > M&M

VFX Miniatures / Props / Moulds > M&M

Miniatures / Props / Moulds > M&M

Lead Miniatures / Props / Moulds

KING Pop-Up / Digital Tech / Brand 

Show Tech Consult / Delivery Lead

Miniatures / Sculpts / Moulds > M&M

Model Miniatures / Sculpts / Moulds

Lead Miniatures / Sculpture

Action Props / SFX Standby / Models

Content Props / Consult / Standby

Miniatures Lead / Ice Snow SFX > M&M

Miniatures / Props / Moulds /Sculpts

Miniatures / Props / Moulds / Sculpts

Miniatures / Sculpts / Moulds

Miniatures /Props / Moulds / Sculpts

So what's the story behind...

…The 3 abstract header images featured here?

They are not random patterns, they are all based on original creations or projects and friends have actively created. 

Starting with CREATE;

The image featured is of a fine art developmental piece titled: “Cellular bowl”, a photo of the sculpture has been colour inverted and rebalanced to create the unique image.

The sculpture itself is remarkable for highlighting a number of incredible aspects that 3DPrinting /Additive manufacturing offer, how is this achieved? On the face of it this small sculpture is a combination of Richard Grant’s recognisable motif, the cell wall patterns and a simple extruded form factor. 

The bowl shaped scoop exposes how difficult, almost impossible this object would be to make with traditional processes (milling, carving & hand model making etc).

Pretty much impossible to make through traditional means, yet simple and visually engaging, it exemplifies both the simplicity and complexity enabled by this new technology.

This simple sculpture delights and surprises everyone that sees it. The images below are processed photos placed on a high contrast background and the following 3DModel viewer allows the STL file to be spun and viewed from any angle;

> 3D model Visualiser to follow <

Secondly, the image supporting SOLVE is equally novel and relates to Orbital debris.

Richard Grant has been researching a screenplay on this amazing issue for over a decade, titled: “Coalesce”.

Foretelling the now widely understood problem of Space trash.  Extensive communications with NASA department head Don Kessler enabled this ongoing idea to be developed. An image was required that spoke of the destruction, desolation and human loss caused by projectiles travelling at 8-12 miles/second…the glass smash abstract is actually a reinterpretation of an early sculpture by Kenneth Cobonpue.

The visual power of a glass chip motif comprising human shaped elements illustrates visceral, technological and filmic horror narratives within one image. 

The images below represent orbital debris around the Earth, The “Coalesce” motif and the main agency trying to resolve the issue (among others). The following video fully explains the real world problem;

The third and final image in this triptych; LEAD relates to a mould breaking event at an iconic venue; Abbey Road Studios.

That ( founder) Richard Grant has a strong passion for music, audio and acoustics goes without saying and invention across those fields illustrates this.

Deeply honoured to be asked to be a member of the mentor team at the first ever Abbey road Hackathon held over a 48 hour period in Studio 1. Hosted by their innovation department, RED.

A hugely significant event and the repercussions from it continue to reverberate.

The images below represent the iconic British Studios entrance, inside studio control room 1 and an abstracted image from the Hackathon event. The following video is a great introduction to that unique experience;

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